
Have fun learning about our solar system!

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Jupiter is the 5th planet from the sun and the largest planet we have! If you took all of the other planets and combined them, jupiter would still be twice as big, Jupiter has really cool stripes and swirls that are actually made of windy clouds of water!

Fun Facts

-Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet in the solar system!

-It is mainly made of gases, when a planet is made of gases, it is called a "gas giant"!

-Compared to our 24 hour days, Jupiters the shortest in our solar system with only about 10 hour days.

-Jupiter is about 4.6 billion years old!



Mars is the fourth planet away from the sun and second smallest planet in our solar system, mercury being the smallest. Mars also has the largest dust storms in the solar system! Something very interesting about mars is that there is frozen water on mars!

Fun Facts!

-Mars and earth have about the same amount of land!

-Mars has the tallest mountain in our entire solar system!

-There have been 18 successful missions to mars!

-Mars is about 141 million miles away from the sun!

-Mars is about 4 billion years old



Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system and is the closest to the sun. Its only slightly larger than our moon. Mercury is also known as a "Terrestrial planet". Even though its days are longer than Earths, its years are only about 88 Earth days.

Fun Facts!

-A single day on mercury is about 58 days on Earth!

-Earth days are about 24 hours long, while Mercury days are about 1407 hours long!

-Mercury is 40 millions miles away from the sun!

-Mercury is about 4.5 billion years old!



The Moon is the closest neighbor and also very important, it not only controls our waters tide, but also gives us light at night. The moon is also the fiirst and only other place man has step foot, 24 humans have been to the moon, with only 12 actually stepping foot on it.

Fun Facts!

-The Moon is about 4.5 billion years old!

-The Moon is actually moving about 3.8 cm away from Earth every year!

-There is actually water on the moon!

-The Moon is 236 thousand miles away from the Earth!

-Our Moon is the 5th largest moon in the entire solar system!



Neptune is te eighth and most distant major planet orbitting our sun, its dark, cold, and very windy. Its also the latest discovered planet, being found in 1846. Neptune is also 58 times bigger and 17 times heavier than Earth

Fun Facts!

-It was the first planet to be discovered by mathmatical equations rather than a teloscope!

-It is about 2.7 billion miles from the sun!

-A year on Neptune is about 60 thousand days on Earth!

-Neptunes year lasts for almost 165 Earth years!



Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and second largest planet in our solar system, and mainly made of hyrdrogen and helium, its also known for its rings, which are mostly made up of ice and rock, bu they will eventually dissapear at some point in the future.

Fun Facts!

-A year on Saturn is about 10,000 days on Earth!

-Saturn is about 921 million miles away from the Sun!

-Saturn is about 4.5 billion years old!

-Saturn is about 95 times bigger than the Earth!



Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun and the first planet to be discovered with a telescope. Uranus was discovered in 1781 by a man named William Herschel.

Fun Facts

-Compared to the Earths one, Uranus actually has 27 moons!

-A year on Uranus is about 30 thousand days on Earth!

-Uranus is about 4 times the size of the Earth!

-Uranus actually rotates on its side!



Venus is the second planet from the sun and is Earth's closest planetary neighbor, its also very similar to Earth in terms of size! Its alsot he hottest planet in our solar system, at about 900 degrees! Ouch!

Fun Facts

-Venus is about 67 million miles from the Sun!

-Venus rotates backward, compared to the Earth, the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, where its the opposite on Earth!

-On day on venus is about 243 days on Earth!

-Venus is about 4.5 billion years old!



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